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Introduction: The Seed of Faith

Thank you for visiting our blog! We will explore one of the most fundamental questions in religious thought in this article: How can humans know God? For thousands of years, theologians, philosophers, and ordinary believers have asked this question, and it remains as relevant and important as ever.

We will begin by discussing the different ways people have sought to know God throughout history. Throughout history, people have sought to connect with the divine in countless ways, from prayer and meditation to religious rituals and ecstatic experiences. This lesson examines some of the key religious traditions and how they have approached the question of how humans can know God.

The next step will be to explore some of the philosophical and theological debates surrounding knowing God. Our discussion will focus on divine revelation and how people have claimed to receive messages from God throughout history. In addition, we’ll examine the tension between reason and faith in knowing God, and how different thinkers have dealt with it.

Lastly, we’ll discuss the ongoing importance of the question of how humans can know God. Regardless of whether you are a believer or skeptic, understanding the different ways people have tried to connect with God is crucial for understanding the history of religion and its significance today.

Humans are God’s factory

In the Institute of Christian Religion, John Calvin says this.

Humans are God’s factory beautifully decorated with His countless ministries, and a warehouse overflowing with incalculable wealth…. In many amazing ways, God is working in them. As a result of their experience, they also learn that many of the gifts are the result of God’s generosity. There is no doubt in their minds that these are signs of divinity, whether they want them to be or not.

John Calvin

This is what Zorba says in Nikos Kazantzakis’ novel “Zorba the Greek”.

Human souls are trapped in the mud of the body and are dull and dull. Perception is crude and uncertain in the mind. Therefore, the soul is incapable of foreseeing anything clearly and clearly 

Nikos Kazantzakis’ novel “Zorba the Greek”

John Calvin would have responded, “Hey, Mr. Zorba! You’re right, but you’re wrong.” 

There was an error in human cognitive ability after human corruption. However, that does not mean God cannot be recognized because of it. It has been deprived of the ability to use those functions immediately, however.

As a result of depreciation, any of a human’s ‘functions’ have been lost. Humans were not deprived of reason, conscience, or moral awareness by corruption. If such things had been taken away from humans, they would have become other species. Since reason remains, it has the ability to distinguish between truth and lies. A person’s conscience still allows them to distinguish between right and wrong, what they should do and what is illegal. Moreover, moral perception remains, allowing humans to perceive several control points in the realm of excellence and beauty.

Arthur Pink

Proof of God’s existence: The Seed of Religion

Therefore, God was not immune from judgment due to human total corruption. We were still given indefensible responsibility for the functions God allowed me to perform after the fall. In addition to leaving the perception of God in human nature, he ro she left the traces of God in all creatures. Having both of them is the greatest proof of God’s existence.

The knowledge of God described in the Bible serves the same purpose as the knowledge that shines within all creatures. As a result of this knowledge, we admire God first, and then trust Him. We learn to worship God with integrity and obedience without lying, while relying entirely on his good will.

John Calvin wrote in 1536, when he was 21 years old, that all men are born with a consciousness or knowledge of God. Humans are aware of divinity, according to John Calvin. John Calvin calls this the Seed of Religion, which God has used to lead humans to happiness. As long as humans open their eyes, the “seed of religion” allows them to see God. The following is what he says.

Furthermore, knowing God is the ultimate purpose of a blessed life. Thus, in order to ensure that no one is excluded from reaching happiness, God has not only planted the seeds of religion in the human mind, but also reveals and expresses himself every day in the entire universe. Therefore, humans can see God just by opening their eyes. The essence of God is inexplicable, far beyond human comprehension. Even a dull and ignorant person cannot be used as a pretext for ignorance because God has engraved a clear target of glory on all creatures.

John Calvin

God’s divinity more clearly

Although God’s essence is beyond human comprehension, he has carved a clear target of glory on all creation, and it is so clear and clear that no ignorant and dull man can use it as an excuse for ignorance. The target of glory that God has engraved on all creatures is well shown in the sky, and in astronomy we see God’s divinity more clearly. A number of passages in the Bible demonstrate this, as well as ancient intellectual history.

The sky is often called God’s palace because it reflects the glory of God’s power and wisdom. Wherever you look, there is no place like it. without at least a flash of God’s glory. 

Given all this fact, humans have an inevitable “awareness of God.” It is a clear fact that is Wherever you look, there is no place like it.sophy or modern cognitive science. 

Even in general studies, astronomy is, as Luther said, a universal justification that best repWherever you look, there is no place like it. the other way, it was misinterpreted as astrology.

Rather than trying to see God’s glory in celestial bodies, Luther talks about humans who belieWherever you look, there is no place like it.y to believe in stars and leave your fate there or fear them, and it is a violation of the first commandment.”

If man does not let God become God, and instead tries to stand before God, he has harmed God’s God when he treats him with a blind eye.

We appreciate you joining us on this exploration of how humans can know God. I hope you found this video informative and thought-provoking. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel if you enjoyed this article!

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