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How to Know God

It is said that the excellence of reform theology is not to miss God’s impossibility.

God’s nature is the source of knowledge of God. The nature of God is the essence of God. God puts all beings in Himself. And God is a man who always exists in himself forever. The good God of these beings has created all things through infinite wisdom and ability by your goodwill.

In particular, there is his blessing and self-esteem in the same character as God. In particular, God’s blessing is entirely inherent in the same essence as each other in the Trinity.

In the meantime, it appears as a divine pleasure that God does and lasts in the complete knowledge of your fullness and the unconditional love of loving its fullness. By giving us an external effect, it gives us a proper concept of the essence of God before indicating what the essence of God is.

And we have a quote from Herman Bavinck.

The Bible severs our thoughts and concepts and guides us to God himself. In this way, the Bible does not argue about God but presents him to us and shows him in everything he has done with his hands. Apart from God’s creation, we learn his work not on our own but in nature and grace, and through it, to know God and cinematic him.

God’s divinity is addressed in John Calvin’s book Chapter 5 of Institutes Of the Christian Religion.

Because of human ignorance and limitations, the logos of nature cannot be entirely accepted by human perception. But that awareness is insufficient, but it is enough for us to know God.

That perception alone makes us understand the eternal God that we should worship. Calvin says in Institutes Of the Christian Religion, “This kind of knowledge should not only inspire us to worship God but also awaken and encourage us to have hope for the future.”.

God helps humans know God. Most of all, even after the fall of human beings, even if it’s not comparable to the time of creation, you haven’t completely taken over human cognition. And most importantly, God gave us the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and human awareness.

On this, Calvin says, “The Bible corrects this confused knowledge of God in our hearts, drives away our stupidity, and shows the true God to us.”.

Calvin says there are two main principles of interpreting the Bible. The first is “Interpret the Bible into the Bible.”.

The second is, “The Holy Spirit is the true author of the Bible and the true interpreter of the Bible.”.

This is the truth Calvin is talking about. Man can know God. We encounter the created world around the God who surrounds us through the Bible and us. Romans 1:18 through 20 prove this fact.

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it simple to them. Since the world’s creation, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been seen and understood from what has been made so that people are without excuse.

Professor David Wells says, “Men are responsible to God.”.

The Bible has not only authority but the word of God itself. God hides in human terms in its majestic glory and expects us to stand in God’s presence, listen to God’s word, and learn it. This shows that God is a genuinely humble division that conceals its greatness considering our weaknesses.

The fact that God, who created heaven and earth, wants and is pleased, among other things, to place your assistant in the human mind is a source of great surprise and faith. So Reverend Martin Lloyd Jones said, “We must live as those who realize that God has called us by the call of heaven.

So we have to keep in mind that there’s always a Holy Spirit God who governs our actions and our behavior in our hearts, and you’ve had this great, wonderful, and precious calling, so your life should be a life that fits and fits that calling.

But for your life to call and fit in with it, it must first be full of the gospel in you; William Wilberforce said about the gospel as the following.

Christianity seeks to place all the elements of human nature in the right place; in other words, to ensure that every human being obeys and plays its part with its independent characteristics. Christianity restores itself as a holistic human being that can fully perform all its functions to achieve its true purpose. It allows all human parts to harmonize and serve God with the body and mind.

A man is reading a Bible.
What You Should Know God

What You Should Know God

God’s dignity exceeds human understanding and cannot be understood by this human understanding, so we should worship this dignity rather than explore it academically.

As long as we explore this academically, we are not overpowered by its sublime. For this reason, we must find God through his creative business and think about it.

The Bible calls this world of creating the symbols of invisible things because this world of creation represents the hidden world of the Lord to us, if not through it.

When we look at this world of creation, our intelligence cannot soar into the air on the wings of ghostly and vain events. This world of creation is the world that we should know, and it is the world that produces, raises, and confirms awe-inspiring faith in our hearts, a proper and firm reverence.

We meditate on the eternal immortality of our God through all things

Therefore, we meditate on the eternal immortality of our God through all things. The beginning and origin of all things come from this eternal immortality of God.

We meditate on God’s ability to create and support this great organization of all things. We meditate on the wisdom of God, who has created various and complex images of creations in such a precise order.

We meditate on the goodness of God, the reason why this universe is created and supported. We meditate on the righteousness of God, who protects good people and serves evil people in unique ways.

We meditate on the mercy of God, who awaits our return by bearing our misdeeds with kindness. If such an ample light does not ignorantly blind us, then indeed the above facts teach us about a particular God that we should be aware of.

But we are blind to God because of sin. Because we are corrupt, when we think of the world of God’s creation, we overturn all Wisdom by understanding it as evil and distorted.

God’s wisdom emerged through the creature

God’s wisdom emerged through the creatures, but we do not see this wisdom because of our decay. Therefore, we need to go to the word of God.

God is described to us through all his deeds in the Bible because the world of this creation is judged by the standard of eternal truth, not by our corrupt judgment.

So we learn only from the Word of God that our only and eternal God is the source of all life, righteousness, wisdom, virtue, goodness, and tolerance.

And it is right to give all our praise to God because all good comes from God without exception. All of this is evident in each part of heaven and earth, and only when we turn to ourselves and think about how the Lord expresses his life and wisdom in us and how he gives us His righteousness, tolerance, and goodness towards us do we understand what the universe is aiming for, what it aims for, and what it is worth. “Calvin’s Religious Education Book” is a collection of the essence of John Calvin’s masterpiece ”

What We Should Know about God

Christian Coercion.”. The article “What We Should Know about God,” which cites the full, is written on the first page of the book, summarizing the core of the Christian worldview.

Moreover, this article mentioned the whole text because it best illustrates the topic of “The Perception of Invisible Things through Visible Things” and the entire subject of this book.

According to the researchers, Calvin did not discuss God’s attributes separately. However, he always had a vivid and deep awareness of God’s dignity, and his central thinking was filled with thoughts about the sovereignty of God.

He lived in the conviction that God’s will is now working righteously. As I prepared this book, I learned and believed that humans could know God. But through Cornelius Vantil’s book, he knew that God’s perception should always be placed in God’s improbability.

He says that the excellence of reform theology is not to miss God’s impossibility. God’s nature is the source of knowledge of God.

The nature of God is the essence of God

The nature of God is the essence of God. God puts all beings in you. And God is the one who exists in you forever.

The good God of these beings has created all things through infinite wisdom and the ability to follow your goodwill. In particular, there is his blessing and self-esteem in the same character of God.

In particular, God’s blessing is entirely inherent in the same essence as each other in the Holy Trinity. In the meantime, it appears as a divine pleasure that God does and lasts in the complete knowledge of your fullness and the complete love of loving its fullness.

By giving us an external effect, it gives us a true concept of the essence of God before indicating what the essence of God is.

Herman Babink’s “Reformist Theology,” tells us that even though God has a variety of shared and non-public properties, this is just a classification of convenience, and all of those attributes are valuable in unity.

God uses the concepts of attributes to express you, and a man knows the properties of God by recognizing them.

This forms the basis of human perception, and recognizing God means knowing God because Awareness is knowledge. And we have a quote from Herman Bavinck.

The Bible severs our thoughts and concepts and guides us to God himself

The Bible severs our thoughts and concepts and guides us to God himself. In this way, the Bible does not argue about God, presents him to us, and shows him in everything he has done with his hands.

Apart from God’s creation, we learn his work not on our own, but in nature and grace, and through it, to know God and cinematic him.

In this lecture, we will learn about the mystery of creation. At first. Let’s read Colossians 1:16.

All things were created in him: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

Human curiosity and imagination about the universe gave birth to myths, and philosophy was born through contemplation after opening the eyes of reason. Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, feared the vastness of the universe.

But Pascal argued that human reason is more significant than anything else because it has the power to identify itself as well as stars. This is because reason can understand the reality of the universe and weigh the importance of its essential meaning.

In the history of natural science, the human view of the world changed from the Ptolemaic system, a concentric space centering on the Earth, to the Copernican system, a concentric area centering on the sun. Kepler discovered three laws of planetary motion, including the theory that planets centered on the sun draw elliptical orbits.

Newton set the framework for classical mechanics by publishing the laws of motion and universal gravitation through his three books, Principia, in 1687. But Newton’s classical mechanics lost their light with the advent of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

Max Planck says, “Science will never solve the ultimate mystery of nature because there comes a time when you must seek to be yourself, which is part of nature.”. Plato also said, “All great technologies require keen reflection and high-level exploration of nature.”.

But Max Planck’s words seem to be correct, but the ending seems to be wrong. Man explores the ultimate mystery of nature Because it doesn’t end with exploring ourselves; it reminds us of the need to examine the creator who created this world.

Plato says that Demiourgos created the universe through the materials that existed first. However, Christianity believes that God created this universe with a purpose as a creation from nothingness. Just as the Bible tells us God’s dispensation, only the Bible shows us the origin of everything and tells us God’s creative omnipotence.

The difference between these two is that this theism of ancient Greek creation is a stubborn, independent being who does not “follow” matter entirely to mathematical rules. But the Bible’s creationism proves that matter did not exist first but came from God. So I had no power to resist God’s will. Creation is obedient to God’s law.”

In this way, we are not a product of chance, but an intentional result of God’s decision to create us, and the purpose of our creation is to know God and engage with him, and nature proves God’s wisdom.

Let’s read the words of Romans 1:18 to 20.

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth of their wickedness since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it simple to them. Since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

John Calvin says that there’s evidence of God in creation, but it doesn’t do us any good because there’s a clear image of God in design, but nobody worships it. They try to block the truth or move toward idolatry, which is a phenomenon that happens today not only for unbelievers but also for believers.

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