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Introduction: Why Christians Suffering?

In our latest article, we explore a topic that has puzzled Christians for centuries: Why do Christians suffer? Do you think it is a punishment from God or simply part of the human experience? Explore this thought-provoking topic with us.

Scholars and theologians have debated why Christians suffer for centuries. Some people believe that suffering is a punishment for sin, while others believe it is an essential part of life that helps us grow in faith. We can all agree that suffering is difficult and painful, regardless of its cause.

The Bible contains many examples of Christians who suffered, including Job, Paul, and Jesus himself. Despite hardships and trials, these individuals remained steadfast in their faith. In the midst of their suffering, they were able to grow closer to God and gain a deeper understanding of his mercy and love.

What about us? Is it possible to make sense of our own suffering? Even though we may not understand why we are experiencing a particular trial or hardship, we can take comfort in the fact that God is with us. Despite our suffering, we can trust that he has a plan for our lives and that he will use it for our good and for his glory.

Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense

Paul Tripp’s book Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense is one of my favorites on hardship.

In this book, the author says the following.

In the face of physical hardship, we realize that human autonomy and self-satisfaction are false illusions. We believe we have control if we think we do, and no one will go through hard times. We realize that our lives are in someone else’s hands when we feel physical pain. In a moment, physical hardship reminds us how humble and dependent we are and takes away even a little bit of our power and control. Human autonomy is quickly revealed to be a false illusion when adversity strikes.

You don’t know when nothing happens in life, and you know when something goes wrong.

I am not the master of my life.

It may have been God’s purpose to let you know this point through suffering.

I would like to say this more religiously.

The story of life is God’s story.

This is repeated in the book by Pastor Paul Tripp.

No one is neutral when it comes to hardship. Everyone who suffers must understand one thing. In other words, “Anyone who suffers is not simply going through the current suffering, but how he/she deals with it.”.

Simply because two people are given the same pain size does not mean they feel the same amount of pain.

You feel pain based on how you interpret it.

Someone who believes God would have given me a difficult childhood.

Someone who wonders why God allowed me to suffer again.

Even though they are the same size, their pain is different.

The size of pain varies depending on the interpretation and faith.

Pain can be reduced in length and intensity.

As God leads you, you leave the steering wheel to Him.

Let’s say you have trouble getting out of trouble quickly. This will increase the intensity of the pain and prolong the period of pain.

According to Paul Tripp, it goes like this.

Our reactions, decisions, attitudes, and choices about whatever happens flow from our minds like streams. Personality is based on reason. In the same way that a stream soaks dry land, the mind reveals its true thoughts, attitudes, premises, and desires when it is suffered. Therefore, we can benefit from thinking about what our thoughts and attitudes about hardship are causing us problems.

Suffering has a purpose, but what is it?

You must know this.

The Lord is not a sadist.

Suffering is not something that God enjoys.

Your maturity is important to God.

God uses pain to mature you.

For Christians, pain is also a way of getting to know God.

Through suffering, Job became intensely aware of God, according to Job 42:5.

My ears had heard of you 

    but now my eyes have seen you.

Don’t forget.

There will be no place for your hardship.

You won’t face hardships you can’t handle.

Every situation is under the control of God.

According to a book by Paul Tripp.

Life is about God, not us, and hardship reminds us of that. Life is not meant for our glory, but for God’s glory, not for our joy, but for his joy, not for our plan, but for God’s plan, and not for our small kingdom, but for his. The grandeur of God is revealed in life, not in our success, and is under his control, not ours.

God controls life, not you.

These words are comforting, aren’t they?

In this suffering, prosperity theology distorts God’s will.

I don’t like prosperity theology for these reasons.

Paul Tripp wrote in his book about this:

As a Christian, you are not taught to reduce suffering, pretend that you are okay with a happy smile on your face when you are not, or work to improve God’s reputation by working as if you are handling hardship better than you are. To understand God’s attitude toward this imperfect world, we must be honest with one another.

There are many problems in the world.

The idea that you will have no hardships if you believe in Jesus is childish.

Believing in God does not mean there will never be hardships.

It is inevitable that hardship will come to everyone, regardless of their belief in God.

Faith gives us the ability to interpret and respond to hardships, however.

The power of faith transforms hardship into hope.

God’s glory awaits you at the end of this suffering.


Finally, while we may never fully understand why Christians suffer, we can rest assured that God is with us and that the suffering will be used for his glory. We hope this article has shed light on this complex and challenging topic. Thanks for reading!

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