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Why Christian Sex Before Marriage is a Problem

Meeting an aggressive man and woman can lead to lust. Christians are no exception, so sometimes they have sex even though they know they are sinners. The problem is that sin is addictive. What happens if a Christian falls into a sexual temptation every time they go on a date?

Today, let’s find out three reasons Christians should avoid sex before marriage.

First, their love doesn’t grow.

It is natural for men and women to meet, be attracted to each other, and fall in love. It’s very natural for each other to be attracted to the biological elements of the other. But when men and women seek God’s guidance, it’s essential to know that there are different levels of love, says Rev. Peter Masters.

If you only indulge physically on a date, their love doesn’t grow anymore. It doesn’t grow into a higher level of love than that, but it stagnates or retreats. This is why men and women should not have sex before marriage.

Second, there can be a crack in trust in the other person.

What would a man and a woman look like if they had premarital sex before marriage? Men and women can doubt each other’s fidelity.

“Oh, this person can have sex if the atmosphere is created”

The suspicion will grow within you. So the trust and faith of the two people start to falter.

Third, couples fall into guilt.

There is the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit is not happy that you sin repeatedly.

You will feel it yourself. Then you gradually live amid sin and progressively move away from God.

When the relationship with God is shaken, the relationship with people is also shocked. The act of loving each other naturally alienates each other.

Fourth, when the two break up, they leave a big scar on each other.

Even if they had premarital sex, it would be a relief if they got married. But let’s assume that even one person can’t get married and break up.

If you think about the three reasons I’ve discussed so far, premarital sex can separate the two because it’s false intimacy. It’s like the Garden of Eden for good and evil.

If a man and a woman who had premarital sex break up without getting married, only wounds and guilt will remain for the two. Such damage and shame hurt the relationship even if you meet another person later.

Sin has a recurring property. Even if you meet a new person, you can repeat the same sin. So it’s better not to have premarital sex that will bring misfortune.

Three ways to stop sex before marriage

Among the articles posted on the Christian marriage community on the SNS platform Reddit, many young people are worried about premarital sex. They all say they habitually have sex with their partners even though they think premarital sex is a sin.

Then what should a young Christian man and woman who is about to get married not fall into premarital sex temptation? Let me tell you three precautions. Could you have a try it?

First, the couple should meet with a plan as much as possible.

One of the reasons couples have premarital sex is that they meet habitually. So don’t have a meeting for the meeting. When couples meet habitually, it is easy to have sex habitually.

If the two meet and have nothing special to do, there is a high possibility that the two will sleep together naturally.

To meet and discuss what to do before the couple meets. It would be nice if you two studied the Bible. But You like something other than studying the Bible, so let’s meet and decide what to do.

Second, Meet each other in a bright place if possible.

The environment dominates people. Couples don’t go too dark places. Don’t find a place where only two people will be. Hiking is good, biking is good, and looks for outdoor activities. There is no law to meet only two people. It’s good to meet other people.

In the early days of dating, it’s better not to meet only two people. Because you can quickly figure out your loved one’s pros and cons when you are mixed with them.

You can know how they treat others, whether they are considerate or not, and whether their personality is intact. So when a couple is in a relationship, it’s also a good idea to meet several people.

It can tell how they will treat your family, friends, and relatives through that look. Or you can meet a Christian couple who are already married and living well.

They can also give you advice related to marriage. You can predict what your loved one will look like as a parent in the future by watching them treat their children.

Third, don’t meet often.

Love doesn’t grow only when we meet. Erich Fromm’s book The Art of Love said that love is power. The ability of love is not necessarily developed only when two people are together. When we do our best on each other’s tasks, Love’s ability grows.

There is growth in true love

Try to improve yourself. That will be more helpful in your relationship. It’s good to read books or learn something. When the couple got married, They decided to be with them for the rest of their life without being swayed by any circumstances.

So even if you don’t meet often, your love won’t be shaken. So don’t take a chance to meet each other. It brings you temptation. That’s Satan’s favorite thing. Instead, focus on each other’s growth.

Today, we talked about three ways in which soon-to-be-married couples won’t be tested for premarital sex.

Think about each other, including these three ways. How can you not have premarital sex? That’s what God is happy about.

3 Ways How to stop sex before marriage|Christian Advice

How to stop sex before marriage

Today, we will talk about the premarital sex of Christians.

Among the articles posted on the Christian marriage community on the SNS platform Reddit, many young people are worried about premarital sex.

They all say they habitually have sex with their partners even though they think premarital sex is a sin. Then what should a young Christian man and woman who is about to get married not fall into premarital sex temptation?

First, the couple should meet with a plan as much as possible.

One of the reasons couples have premarital sex is that they meet habitually. So don’t have a meeting for the meeting. When couples meet habitually. It is easy to have sex habitually.

If the two meet and have nothing special to do, there is a high possibility that the two will sleep together naturally. To meet and discuss what to do before the couple meets.

It would be nice if you two studied the Bible. But You like something other than studying the Bible, so let’s meet and decide what to do.

Second, Meet each other in a bright place if possible.

The environment dominates people. Couples don’t go to dark places. Don’t find a place where only two people will be. Hiking is good, biking is good, and looks for outdoor activities.

There is no law to meet only two people. It’s good to meet other people. In the early days of dating, it’s better not to meet only two people.

Because you can quickly figure out your loved one’s pros and cons when you are mixed with them. You can know how they treat others, whether they are considerate or not, and whether their personality is intact.

So when a couple is in a relationship, it’s also a good idea to meet several people. It can tell how they will treat your family, friends, and relatives through that look.

Or you can meet a Christian couple who are already married and living well. They can also give you advice related to marriage. You can predict what your loved one will look like as a parent in the future by watching them treat their children.

Third, don’t meet often. Love doesn’t grow only when we meet.

Erich Fromm’s book The Art of Love said that love is power. The ability to love is not necessarily developed only when two people are together. When we do our best on each other’s tasks, Love’s ability grows.

Try to improve yourself. That will be more helpful in your relationship. It’s good to read books or learn something. When the couple got married, They decided to be with them for the rest of their life without being swayed by any circumstances.

So even if you don’t meet often, your love won’t be shaken. So don’t take a chance to meet each other. It brings you temptation.

That’s Satan’s favorite thing. Instead, focus on each other’s growth. Today, we talked about three ways in which soon-to-be-married couples won’t be tested for premarital sex. Think about each other, including these three ways. How can you not have premarital sex? That’s what God is happy about.

Pornography and masturbation have a deep connection.

Masturbation is performed where there is pornography. Masturbation requires obscene stimuli. The mechanism by which pornography causes masturbation is as follows.

While someone is watching pornography, the secretion of psychological conditioning and glands continuously raises the desire to masturbate. Anyone who arouses sexual excitement by looking at pornography and then relieves tension through masturbation responds to one stimulus:

If a person responds to pornography with constant masturbation, this is a conditional reflex.

What further complicates the knee-jerk reaction to pornography is that a chemical similar to adrenaline is released into his bloodstream when the person is emotionally excited about pornography. When a person sees pornography, the adrenal glands secrete a chemical called epinephrine in the bloodstream.

Epinephrine reminds us of the stimulation of the brain. Porn addicts have this special memory. That’s why they’re constantly looking at images on the screen of their minds and being stimulated and sexually responsive again.

How can a Christian overcome this sinful habit if he indulges in pornography and masturbation?

I want to list four points.

First, the parties need to face the personal and social harm and problems caused by pornography.

Christians should take good care of themselves and not harm their neighbors and society. You are not suitable as a Christian if you directly or indirectly damage individuals and neighbors by consuming pornography.

However, the inner deterrence against pornography becomes stronger the more you know the harm of pornography. How can we get away from the personal and social injury of pornography? The best way is to meet the person who has been damaged by pornography addiction.

The following best way is to acquire information on such a situation and indirectly know the reality of harm.

Second, for Christians addicted to pornography to overcome their habitual sin, the image of a woman in a photo or video must be felt like a personal being.

Let’s listen to the story of an experienced person. Having accepted Jesus as my savior, I repented for my past indulging in pornography.

After that, I could see women in pornography from a completely different angle. I realized that she is the same human being as I am, has the same feeling and emotions as I am, and the same creation of God.

I only saw such women as sexual objects. I reflected on my treatment of them as sexual objects. I began to feel nauseous when I realized I had treated them sexually.

In other words, only when we recognize that they are colleagues like us can we have a holy hatred. Since then, pornography can be banned.

Third, once you find symptoms of intentional use of pornography, you should immediately discard all your data.

This action should be done regularly, not once. People who indulge in pornography collect data without even realizing it. Because of this, they are tempted.

Fourth, if you want to get out of your addiction to pornography, you need the help of a partner.

As with most addictions, pornography addiction is a temptation to escape. To get out of your potent addiction to pornography, you must have someone you can talk to at will. He should prepare regular inspection opportunities of a preventive nature through prayer, meetings, advice, and encouragement.

And proper reformation should be attempted through decisive yet considerate disciplinary action in which addicts return to their past habits.

Human beings should unconsciously pursue a certain degree of sexual stimulation before or after marriage. However, this pursuit of sexual stimulation must be made in a legitimate context. Even in some cases, it is necessary to control sexual stimulation itself.

It is by no means ignoring, suppressing, or neglecting sexual desire. You don’t have to say what sexual stimulation deviates from the degree and context results in humans.

Today, I learned about porn and masturbation addiction. It is an irresistible temptation for Christians to seek holiness, but they must break the chain of sin through the method above.

If the video was helpful, please subscribe. Thank you.

Let’s find out what are the benefits of reading the Bible for Christians, and which books are best to read first.

When I was a nonbeliever, one of my dislikes of Christianity was that “Christianity is ignorant.”. I didn’t like the form of faith that emphasized faith.

But now that it has been over a decade since I got faith, I desperately realize that there is no end to its depth and depth in Christian faith, theology, philosophy, and doctrine.

It seems to be arrogance to discuss Christian intelligence with my quiet knowledge, but I will share the little knowledge I have gained from reading with the saints.


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