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Introduction: What is the Christian Faith?

William Wilberforce says this about the Christian faith.

Christians who confess their faith know little about Christianity. Their views on Christianity are so crude and superficial that they only differentiate Christianity from other religions based on their external form. These Christians just think about a few external facts, doctrines or principles they know as if they are all of Christianity. They actually have no idea about the results, relationships or practices created by such dogmatic and principle differences.

One of the illusions we often have is the illusion that understanding and time are proportional. We have been in a relationship for many years, so even if we get married, we divorce due to personality differences.

Even if you lived together during that time, you divorce for the same reason. Didn’t they really know how different each other’s personalities were?

And the answer is this: The depth of understanding is not proportional to the hour together. Understanding requires effort and time.

The ignorance of modern Christians

The ignorance of modern Christians can be attributed to either laziness or arrogance. The church comes out, but I don’t think I’m interested in the truth, or I think I know a lot.

I have never encountered outstanding and profound Christian truths, and I have never encountered people of faith who pursue and live the truth.

It is because of modern false spirituality, which excludes intelligence and emphasizes emotions. It is also because of a short-sighted vision that values the value of the present moment rather than the truth about the upcoming end of the afterlife.

God’s transcendence and immanence

Bruce Ware says classical theism focused on God’s transcendence, while modern theism on God’s inherentness. However, he repeatedly says that it is necessary to understand God’s transcendence and internality.

God’s transcendence and immanence are critical for an accurate understanding of God in the Bible. However, to accurately grasp and understand God’s inherent self-participation, God’s transcendent self-existence must be identified first.

When we read the Bible, we see God in it even if we do not recognize it. The Bible contains God’s transcendence and immanence. It is not the right view of God that Christians who interpret the Bible prefer only one side.

Therefore, Christians must understand God’s transcendence and immanence in God, and in order to understand, God’s transcendence must be understood first.

Human have three components-Understanding, Spirit, and Will

Humans are truly amazing creatures. Humans have intellect, emotions, and will. They have three main components. God has given him a heart, spirit and will to act.

This is one of the reasons the gospel is so glorious. That’s because the gospel takes on a whole personality.

I’m going to say there’s nothing I can do about it. This is the only and true gospel that provides an accurate view of life, death and eternity.

And the gospel is enough to embrace wholeness. A lot of pain follows because we don’t realize it. We can only partially respond to this magnificent gospel.

Christ died to make us whole people. Rather than saving parts of our personalities or becoming biased Christians, we were taught how to become balanced and complete individuals.

Not only that. If we lose this sense of balance, we will suffer later. Because God balances human beings.

You would have thought it impossible for three beings to cooperate in one personality. But God made us whole.

You can see that the Lord Jesus Christ has done everything perfectly. Salvation is to lead us fully and in his shape so that sin’s influence and traces can be removed.

Neither I nor you have yet experienced Christianity’s true truth. Christianity is not a religion that you simply have to believe in. When I was an unbeliever, I thought Christianity was a simple religion. It’s because they tell you to trust them.

After more than a decade of faith, I realized that Christianity is a religion with profound and esoteric doctrines and theology.

Christianity is a holistic religion

Christianity is a holistic religion that demands intelligence, emotion, and will. As Christians, we have a world to pursue with our whole selves.

If we abandon intelligence and reason and pursue emotions or experiences, we will not even know the true value of Christian truth until we die.

We will not taste the truth of Christianity that God has allowed, and we will be subject to judgment for not serving God as a whole. This is Satan’s strategy.

Christian spirituality is not just for your pleasure. It is also the truth about the church. This is why we should avoid increasingly personalized spirituality.

The saints’ experience and knowledge should benefit the church’s faith. Hope. Love. This is a common lesson among reformist and Puritan theologians, as well as St. Augustine.

In this regard, modern empirical spirituality will not fulfill the responsibilities of the church. This is because it excludes intelligence, which will cut off faith succession in our time and in the time to come.

It is wrong to blame Christians and irreverent servants for failing to fulfill our responsibilities before God.

Conclusion: Christians must grow up

We have no right to separate ourselves from the church, nor to ignore the Bible’s teachings. In doing so, you may think you are in a very spiritual state, but you are not actually obeying God’s word.

There is no right to remain in the condition of a child. We have to grow up as the apostles remind us.

They’re trying to seem spiritual, and they don’t care about these things. As the Apostle said, “They’re more likely to be drawn to all these moral trends, and they’re liable to find themselves in places they never thought they would be.”

Professor David Wells says two things that the Church must remember that Christianity does not become “empty” Christianity and “light” Christianity.

Firstly, Christianity is a religion of truth.,

Secondly, those who claim to be Christians should be the true people who embody this truth.

In the Middle Ages, the church was a cultural center. But now the church is dragged into culture rather than leading culture.

The church is only provided with information about the surrounding environment by culture. Church faith and mission come from God’s word. It does not come from culture, whether it is in close contact with it or alienated from it.

It is not a culture that prioritizes the church. Post-modern culture should not tell the church what to think. In this case, only the Bible must be maintained, not the culture.

The kingdom of God described in the Gospels is not in one area. It is God’s reign. The core concept of this term is that God has started to rule himself. This rule still exists, but the day will come in the future when it will be fully achieved.

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