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Welcome to our blog where we explore the mysteries and wonders of the Bible. Today, we dive into the powerful message of Hebrews 11:6.

Hebrews 11:6 states, “And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” This verse emphasizes the importance of faith in our relationship with God. It reminds us that we must believe in His existence and have a deep desire to seek Him out. Without faith, we cannot please God.

This verse challenges us to have unwavering trust in God and His promises. It also encourages us to pursue Him with all our hearts, knowing that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. As we seek Him, our faith grows, and we experience His love, grace, and mercy.

Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “Without faith, he cannot please God, so he who seeks God must believe that he exists and that he gives a reward to those who seek him.” We cannot worship or pray without knowing God. At this point, Philip Melanchoon talks about God as follows.

In order to call God, it is essential to consider what he wants to say. This includes who God is, how he is recognized, where and how he is recognized, how he listens to our appeals and calls, and why. And our ideas should not be shaken as those of pagans, in which God has created everything as an omnipotent, wise, righteous Lord. We know quite a lot about him, but do not know where he can be found and where he listens to us. Pagans just habitually cry out to God.

This word tells us the necessity and importance of ‘knowledge that God knows’. God wants creatures to show you to humans. It is a duty, right, and pleasure for human beings created by the hands of God to fully know and serve God, the Creator. William Wilberforce said the following on this point.

“We seem to expect to be Christians without effort and research! Christianity is a religion created not by man, but by God’s revelation. As Christians, we are expected to fulfill our corresponding duties. So it is absurd to think that we can be true Christians without serious effort. As Christianity has its own unique doctrines, ethics, and principles, as well as in learning the conduct of politics or the moral system of the world, it does not happen to have comprehensive knowledge of Christianity.”

The abbreviation for ‘knowledge of God’ here is theology. The English word ‘theology’, which means theology, is a combination of ‘theos’ and ‘logos’. ‘Theology’ means ‘knowledge of God’, which is a combination of ‘God’ and ‘knowledge’. So ‘theology’ is ‘logic about God’.

If the items listed by Philip Melanchthon are found in organizational theology, “Who is God” is about “God’s existence and attributes,” and “how he is known” is about “God’s awareness.” And knowing and recognizing God’s existence and attributes gives enough answers to the questions of “Do he listen to our appeals and cries?” and “Why do you listen?”

In addition to this, ‘knowledge of God’ is also related to the spiritual problems of believers. Reverend Martin Lloyd Jones says the key skill in dealing with spiritual life is knowing how to deal with yourself.

It means that believers should treat themselves. You have to talk to yourself, preach and ask questions. A believer should ponder his soul, “How do you fail and what on earth makes you nervous?” The believer must look back at himself, admonish him, recommend him, and say, “hope for God.” You shouldn’t live in an unhappy way complaining in the midst of a fall.

Taking it one step further, the believer should ask himself, “Who is God?” Who is God? What did God do? And what did God promise to do on his own?”

Thank you for reading. We hope this message has encouraged you to deepen your faith and seek God with all your heart.

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