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1. Introduction: the Revelation

Christianity defines “revelation” as the way in which God reveals Himself to humanity. The Bible describes two types of revelation: general revelation and special revelation.

2. General Revelation

God reveals Himself to all people through creation and natural phenomena in general revelation. Often, the beauty and complexity of the natural world point to the existence of a Creator as an example of this type of revelation. 

Paul refers to the knowledge of God that we can gain through natural order in Romans 1:19 and 20. According to Puritan theologian William Aimes, God recognizes his fulfillment and missionary power. Christian faith is based on these two pillars of comfort, reverence, and the motivation behind reverence.

Fulfillment is God’s nature, both for himself and for us. Therefore, he is called an all-sufficient God. We believe in God because of God’s fulfillment.

It is He who can give us life. According to theologian William Aimes, God’s fulfillment is found in his body and in his reality. The Crown Prince of Puritans, John Owen, said that where God’s attributes are, there is God’s nature. God’s nature and attributes are one and the same. According to Hermann Bavink, a theologian.

Each attribute of his existence corresponds to his existence. It is he who is wise, true, honest, loving, holy, righteous, and merciful in the East, for he himself is wisdom, truth, goodness, righteousness, and mercy. Therefore, he is the source of all human attributes. Since he owns everything, he is the source of everything creatures possess. All good comes from him.

God represents himself in his creation, and the world represents his invisible nature. Through all that God has created, the general revelation prepares us for the special revelation. We all receive regular revelations. In this revelation, God’s glory is revealed “naturally” through creation, continuously since the beginning of time, and recreationally through the creation of this world.

The power, divinity, and glory of God can be known through revelation, according to Paul. They are condemned by this knowledge, not saved by it.

I’ll summarize everything. Consequently, God also reveals himself to us humans, which is called ‘Revelation’ in theological terms. Levelatio is a Latin word that indicates revelation and reveals.

This word is an act of God in an active sense. Through his creation and his knowledge of his will, he conveys the truth about himself to man.

Passively, it refers to God’s actions. You must understand that God acts not passively, perhaps unconsciously, and generatively, but intentionally, willingly, and consciously. His acts reveal and convey divine truth.

Revelation begins with the idea that there is a personal God who actively imparts knowledge. Secondly, there are truths, facts, and events that cannot be known without divine revelation. Lastly, there is the object of this revelation, as well as a rational being who is capable of appropriating it.

In this way, God reveals truths about himself, his nature, his actions, his will, and about his purpose. For a human to see the revelation, we need to take it out of our eyes, as Reverend Martin Lloyd Jones says.

According to Christianity, everything in nature, including animals, plants, mountains, oceans, and even small astronauts, is called the General revelation. According to John Calvin.

Since God’s essence is unknown, his divinity transcends human perception. All creation, however, bears a clear target of glory. A person who is ignorant or dull cannot make an excuse for ignorance since this is so clear and certain.

3. Special Revelation

Additionally, there is a ‘special revelation’ instead of a regular sign. In God’s providence, the earth bears fruit and the four seasons run continuously. The providence in this case differs from the proclaimed revelation in terms of its nature, its goal, its judgment and punishment, and its consequences.

However, it reflects God’s thoughts and will. Humans discover God’s moral will to a certain extent through the experiences of individuals and history. Communities, such as countries, peoples, churches, or individuals, can achieve this. Furthermore, Providence does not reveal God’s will in advance. For those who have learned of this fact through Providence, it is a revelation with a declarative nature.

In contrast, special revelation refers to God’s direct and personal revelations to individuals or groups of people. The revelation can take many forms, including visions, dreams, prophecies, or the written word. Christians often associate special revelation with Jesus Christ, who is considered to be the ultimate and complete revelation of God.

In contrast to general revelation, which is available to everyone, special revelation is usually reserved for select individuals or groups. Both types of revelation, Christians believe, are significant and work together to reveal God’s character and purposes more fully.

In today’s lesson, we discussed the general revelation of the Bible and its special revelation. I would like to subscribe if today’s video helped. Click on the button.

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