Introduction: Christian Mysticism

In a world characterized by material distractions, Christian mysticism offers a profound path to spiritual enlightenment and communion with the Divine.
Rooted in the rich traditions of Christianity, mysticism delves into the mystical experiences and inner contemplative practices that deepen the relationship between seekers and God.
In this blog post, we will explore the essence of Christian mysticism, its historical foundation, key practices, and their relevance in our modern lives.
Understanding Christian Mysticism
Christian mysticism is an ancient spiritual tradition that seeks to encounter and experience the divine presence of God.
It emphasizes a direct and personal connection with the Divine through heightened awareness, contemplation, and meditation.
The ultimate goal of Christian mysticism is to achieve union with God, a state often described as a “mystical union” or “divine union.”
Historical Foundation of Christian Mysticism
Christian mysticism has a rich history that dates back to the early centuries of the Christian tradition. Its roots can be traced back to the works of key figures such as St.
Augustine, St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, and the anonymous author of “The Cloud of Unknowing”.
These mystics not only shared their profound experiences but also developed practical frameworks and insights that form the basis of Christian mysticism today.
Key Practices of Christian Mysticism
1. Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative prayer lies at the heart of Christian mysticism. It involves entering into a deep, receptive silence to encounter the Divine presence.
This practice goes beyond mere words and thoughts, allowing one to open oneself fully to God’s transformative love and wisdom.
Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, and the Jesus Prayer are popular forms of contemplative prayer found in Christian mystical traditions.
2. Meditation
Meditation forms an integral part of Christian mysticism, enabling practitioners to silence their minds and enter a state of deep inner stillness.
Through meditation, one can quiet the noise of everyday life and awaken to the eternal presence of God within.
Meditative practices such as breath awareness, mantra repetition, and visualization can aid in cultivating a focused and receptive state of being.
3. Sacred Texts and Scripture Study
Christian mystics find inspiration and guidance in sacred texts, particularly the Bible.
The practice of scripture study involves delving into the deeper spiritual meanings behind the words and stories, seeking direct insights and personal revelations from God.
By immersing oneself in the wisdom and teachings of the scriptures, mystics can deepen their understanding of God’s presence in their lives.
4. Mystical Retreats
Mystical retreats provide a dedicated space and time for seekers to detach from daily distractions and immerse themselves in spiritual practices.
These retreats often include periods of silence, group prayer, contemplative walks, and teachings by experienced spiritual leaders.
Participating in a mystical retreat can offer profound experiences of introspection, renewal, and spiritual growth.
Relevance of Christian Mysticism Today

In our fast-paced and chaotic world, Christian mysticism offers a much-needed antidote to the clamor and busyness that often disconnects us from our spiritual selves.
The practices of Christian mysticism not only provide solace and peace but also foster a deeper sense of meaning, purpose, and connection to the Divine.
The benefits of exploring Christian mysticism include:
- Enhanced Spiritual Growth: By engaging in the practices of contemplative prayer and meditation, individuals can cultivate a heightened sense of spiritual awareness and deepen their connection with God. This leads to personal transformation and growth.
- Inner Peace and Fulfillment: Christian mysticism offers a pathway to inner peace and contentment by helping individuals detach from worldly attachments and find solace in the eternal presence of God. This leads to a liberating sense of fulfillment and a more balanced perspective on life’s challenges.
- Deepened Relationship with God: Christian mysticism provides a direct and intimate relationship with God, allowing individuals to experience a profound sense of divine love, guidance, and communion. This fosters a deeper understanding of God’s nature and our own spiritual identity.
Examples of Christian Mysticism in Practice
1. The Philokalia
The Philokalia is a collection of spiritual writings from the Eastern Orthodox tradition.
It serves as a guide to the practices of Hesychasm, a form of mystical prayer that focuses on the inner stillness and union with God.
This ancient text is a valuable resource for those seeking to explore Christian mysticism within an Orthodox framework.
2. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
Dante’s Divine Comedy is a renowned literary masterpiece that incorporates elements of Christian mysticism.
Through his journey into the depths of Hell, the ascent of Mount Purgatory, and the contemplation of Heaven, Dante explores themes of sin, redemption, and divine love.
This epic poem offers readers a glimpse into the profound mystical symbolism and teachings of Christian mysticism.
Problem of Christian Mysticism
Christians are to “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13).
However, anti-intellectualism and mysticism lead to a regression in faith. Deuteronomy 29:29 says
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29
God has entrusted to us the things that are manifested; it is the same with knowledge.
All knowledge comes from God, but He has also entrusted some of it to us.
By comparison, the anti-intellectualism that is manifesting itself in the modern church is like Eve answering Satan’s question with a twist.
“Has God indeed said unto you, You shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, lest you die?” And the woman said unto the serpent, The things which are hidden belong unto the LORD our God: but the knowledge which is made manifest, it is written in the word of God, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.”
However, God has called us to be stewards of the things that are revealed, except for the things that belong to Him that are hidden.
Psalm 147:5 says, “Great is the power of our Lord, and the depths of his wisdom.
Mysticism undermines our willingness to endeavor to know God.
It makes you give up on the pursuit of knowledge of God.
But God still wants and urges us to seek Him. He has left man reason along with faith.
He reveals God’s existence to us every day. Cornelius Van Til has this to say about this.
“For orthodox Christians, the creator-creature distinction implies that the Triune God, who exists from eternity without any relation to the universe in space and time, satisfies himself entirely in his being and knowledge. This means, therefore, that God is wholly knowable and known to himself. God is light, and in him is not a shadow of darkness.”
Cornelius Van Til
The teachings of many theologians, including Calvin, testify that the inscrutability of God is never an excuse for neglecting to seek knowledge of God and falling into mysticism.

Christian mysticism remains a relevant and transformative spiritual path in the present day.
By embracing contemplative prayer, meditation, scripture study, and participating in mystical retreats, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, union with God, and a deeper understanding of their purpose in life.
May the wisdom and practices of Christian mysticism inspire us to connect with the Divine and transform our lives for the better.
But let us not make the mistake of becoming so absorbed in mysticism that we neglect our God-given reason, the Bible, and the theology and doctrine it contains.