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The depths of spirituality and the significance of religious beliefs

We explore the depths of spirituality and the significance of religious beliefs on our channel. Our topic today is something that has been central to faith discussions for centuries: understanding God is understanding piety.

According to this statement, piety entails the qualities of humility, devotion, and reverence for God in order to truly know him. A person must live out their faith in every aspect of their lives, not only intellectually.

Developing a deep, personal connection with God is what piety is all about, not just following religious rules and rituals. The goal is to recognize God’s presence at every moment and live accordingly.

In this article, we’ll be exploring the concept of piety in depth and how it relates to our understanding of God. We’ll hear from religious leaders, philosophers, and everyday people about what piety means to them and how they strive to embody it in their lives.

John Calvin’s book 『Institutes of the Christian Religion』

Chapter 2 of John Calvin‘s book 『Institutes of the Christian Religion』 is called Knowledge of Fitty. John Calvin was a man of God who pursued “God’s glory” more than anyone else. If you cut Calvin’s theology down to one word, you can describe it as “piety.” His theology is rooted in the knowledge of God.

Calling God’s name is the fruit of knowing God and proof of piety. For Calvin, it is impossible for a sinner to know God. So Calvin saw that piety is essential to the knowledge of knowing God, faith by the inner light of the Holy Spirit, and worshiping God and reached the confidence of salvation through the Bible.

Knowledge of God is knowing God’s goodwill toward us. Calvin’s purpose of knowledge of God shows his theological characteristics well. It is ‘God’ and ‘hope after death’. You can see that Calvin’s theology is God-centered and salvation-centered.

Calvin did not call it “knowledge about God,” but “knowledge of God’s goodwill toward us.”

Joel R. Beke says Calvin’s theology is rooted in knowledge of God and includes attitudes and actions toward awe of God. In Calvin’s piety, various relationships are also considered important, such as respect and love for humans.

The knowledge that leads to “piety”.

Calvin’s piety is an empirical belief in those who acknowledge that Christians become the body of Christ by God’s grace. Therefore, for Calvin, the knowledge of God is the knowledge that leads to “piety.”

In spite of the fact that the Institute of the Christian Religion does not discuss piety, you can see that the book was entirely devoted to it. His subtitle for this book, which contains almost everything you need to know, was “The Synopsis of Piety and The Doctrine of Salvation.”

It is clear from this fact that what his theology and ideas ultimately seek is piety. The Bible is, of course, the source of his piety and theology. In the Institute of the Christian Religion, Calvin says:.

The Bible reveals the true God, corrects our confusion, drives away our stupidity, and drives away our ignorance. God’s special grace is not only to use silent teachers to teach the church, but also to open one’s most holy mouth. Not only does God reveal to the chosen which God they should worship, but he also demonstrates that he is the one they should worship.

John calvin

According to Calvin, knowledge of God has a gradual personality, just like a revelation. In time, you will come to understand God not only as a creator and ruler but also as a mediator and savior. Through the Bible, we are able to have knowledge of God without any uncertainties. A Christian cannot be a child of God without being a disciple of the Bible, according to Calvin. Without God’s holy words, the human mind is helpless and cannot reach God.

In conclusion, we hope that you have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of living out your faith in every aspect of your life as we discussed the knowledge of God and the knowledge of piety. True knowledge of God is not just about what we believe, but also about what we do.

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