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God humbles people with the same truth he proclaims to others before leading them to salvation.

Law not only dispels their ignorance, but also shows that God legitimately demands obedience. Sin has a correct goal. It’s about waking up your conscience and judging yourself.

It is now that humans begin to realize that they are truly corrupt and cut off from God. Instruct the spirit to fulfill the resurrected’s legal obligations.

As a result, he will try to obey. He will try to follow the duty of repentance and faith when he hears it.

In the end, he will realize that sin is stronger than all his determination and effort.

As a result, you would have felt the need to understand the biblical concept of law. According to the “Wycliffe Bible Dictionary”, this is the concept of law.

In Hebrew, a law is a lesson. In Greek, a law is a fixed custom. These two represent any laws or rules imposed by higher authorities on people or nature.

The image of God hidden in man during creation records God’s law in every mind. Nature confirms this law in conscience.

The law is written in the mind of the believer in the New Testament. According to the Holy Spirit, the fruit of a law planted like this is ‘complete love’.

As well as the law of the state set by God in human society, there is another dimension of the law. Most precious of all laws is God’s moral law, summed up in the Ten Commandments.

In the Bible, God’s fundamental statement is ‘God is holy’. As a result, the whole law can be summarized as “I am holy, and you should be holy.”

God’s character is reflected in the law. God’s desire and will are perfectly expressed in it.

In addition to revealing what our character should be, the law also holds us in the revelation of God’s character.

There is also a state law set as a way of God in human society, according to the Bible. There are two types of laws: judicial and conscious.

Basically, judicial rules are based on the Ten Commandments, which address the relationship of sanctions against human nature’s bad tendencies in society.

As long as sin and righteousness are included in the basic life relationship, this law is valid in the Gospel era.

God set the conscious law to represent the gospel truth in the Old Testament, but Christ has symbolically died on the cross, so the conscious law is no longer valid.

As a result of the image of God hidden in man at creation, everyone has God’s law in their minds.

Conscience and nature confirm the existence of these laws. The law of God is engraved in the heart of a believer in the new covenant, and this law has been demonstrated to be the fruit of the Holy Spirit and to be love in its purest form.

However, we should not abandon the Christian law, as Martin Lloyd Jones said.

The law of God is complete. It must be kept. The law does not apply to us. Sin does not exist. Salvation cannot be found in the law.

It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pay attention to it.

If we abide by the law and bear fruit against God, Christ died and rose for us.

Moreover, we are bound to Christ, married to Christ, and found and hidden in Christ in order to be holy.

By working within us, he allows us to hear the demands of the law, and the law is to show us how to come to salvation. According to Martin Lloyd Jones.

The Holy Spirit of God uses “the action of the law” as one of the primary external measures to make people realize they’re headed for hell, according to Jonathan Edwards.

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