Christian Hope: What Happens After Death for Believers?
Among ancient gods, Dionysus remains the most popular. He is known as the god of wine and enrapture. Originally a god of the East, it was incorporated into Greek mythology.
In contrast to the immortal gods of Olympus, Dionysus lives on the ground and dies. Dionysus, then, is a god whose power is enhanced by the fact that we are supposed to die.
The duality of Dionysus shows us that there is a positive side to the land. We hide in the land because it is a dark area.
Human existence with its negative characteristics not only affects, but also enables our lives. During the Dionysus festival, a mask is worn and he is worshipped.
Gosperl, the courage to face death
As part of the ceremony of honoring the animal’s regeneration of life, death is a part of the ceremony. Dionysus’ full life is only a mask, and through this mask, he gives us the courage to face death.
Death, life’s dark back, appears bright in contrast. According to Klaus Held, the world in which we live is filled with light that reflects life and death. In this world, death shines alongside life.
Shortly, the festival of Dionysus illustrates the fragility and folly of man trying to hide in pleasure before he dies. Is this true pleasure?
Willie Pasini, an Italian psychologist, uses the Dionysus image to demonstrate the destructive nature of food and sex.
According to Desmond Morris‘ “The Naked Ape”, the mouth and penis are homologous organs. Food and sex play a social role, but in any case, the pursuit of these two desires is self-destructive.
The reason for this is that appetite causes all kinds of adult diseases caused by obesity, and sexual desire causes sexually transmitted diseases, abortions, and sterility. People often ask Christians who do not enjoy sex and entertainment a question.
The Christian Hedonism
In response to the question “What kind of fun do you have without drinking or smoking?” Rev. John Piper says Christian Hedonism. Joy in Christ is a joy that only those who find joy in Christ can experience. According to him, the following is true.
In order to be clear, we always talk about being pleased. After all, to rejoice in good things is to rejoice in God. Our ultimate goal is to express God’s glory and to convey our joy to others. Other pleasures do not satisfy our soul’s cravings qualitatively. Only God can bring full joy.
According to Christian Hedonism, Christians are not always living with distorted faces, but with a happy life as well. Hedonism is more than self-suggestion or self-assurance, it is a fight for joy.
According to Rev. John Piper, “The struggle for joy is the most important fight in this universe.”
It’s a fight for faith, a fight for joy in Christ, and a fight for eternity.
It’s a fight against the enemies that seek to take away the joy of the saints, and it’s a fight that God fights for us, not to bear the burden, but to remove it. It is a fight in which we lower and elevate him, and it is a gift for us.
Truth and the power of the Holy Spirit sanctify our senses during the fight. Prayer transforms this sense into a pure ally for the physical entity of food and body, revealing the glory of God along with its physical sense, and awakening our joy in God.

The joy of sex is part of the joy of being a Christian
Humans should not forget the relationship between the body and the soul. Accordingly, in C.S. Lewis‘ The Screwtape Letters, Satan Screwtape says:.
Don’t forget. Humans always forget that they are animals, and therefore what the body does affects the soul.
This is what the Bible says. In particular, immorality is a sin in us, unlike other sins, due to sin’s nature.
According to Lewis, even with the same sexual pleasure, there is a difference between a believer’s spiritual state at the top or the bottom of a mountain. Lewis explains this in The Screwtape Letters.
It should also be noted that sexual desire in a valley differs slightly in quality from sexual desire at the top. It’s often much less likely to be tainted by a byproduct of sexual desire — generous, imaginative, even spiritual — while the sexual drive in a valley is much less likely to be inclined towards a lukewarm phenomenon that humans refer to as “in love.” Sexual desire is no different from other desires of the body. To make a steady drink, it’s like pushing some kind of painkiller when you’re depressed and tired, rather than recommending it when you’re hanging out with your friends.
Lewis also uses Satan’s mouth to see that all pleasure in the world comes from God, but he exploits it instead of creating pleasure.
Satan lives in the souls of believers with poor pleasures that remove God’s glory from pleasure. Even a believer who has been saved still has an inherent history of sin, so what a believer should have here is knowledge of sin and a soul that surpasses Satan.
Conclusion: Knowing God’s Will
So John Owen says, “The greed to hide and work under the cloak of dark intelligence is, so to speak, the upper layer of hell.” This ignorance and insensitivity results in the confusion of one’s emotions and the laziness of the soul without even knowing it, and the separation from God.
Because of ignorance about God’s will
Your people were swept away by evil as ordered by sin law. Regardless of what duty you have to perform or what sin you will commit, sin will never miss the opportunity if there is darkness of intelligence or ignorance of God’s will in the spirit.
Many people who are ignorant of their duty to abide by their community’s system neglect their duties. If you lack knowledge of God’s will and duty, you will provide such an excellent excuse for sin.
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