Sodomy in the Bible
The word Sodomite has two main meanings. One who practices sodomy; a sodomist. The other term (derogatory) refers to a female or male homosexual.
Sodomite refers to Sodom people. But why did the word Sodom people turn into a word that means gay men?
That’s because the Bible shows that the Sodom people enjoyed homosexuality just before Sodom and Gomorrah collapsed.
When Abraham left his hometown, he took his nephew Lot with him. As Abraham and Lot became rich, family fights broke out just like today. For family harmony, Abraham gave Lot the choice of land first for family harmony. Lot chose Sodom and moved there to live.

Three angels visiting Lot’s house
Sodom’s sin is not specified in the Bible. However, it can only be inferred from one event.
To Abraham, three angels who appeared as a man informed him that the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah is imminent. Two of them entered Sodom at the end of the day.
Lot treats them as guests, and the people of Sodom surround Lot’s house and protest to let them out.
They called Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight?” Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them.”
In Hebrew, the word for ‘have sex with’ originally meant to realize, but it is often used to mean sexual union. Sexual union may be the result of a desire to recognize the other person to the end
Sexual union does not mean you get to know the other person better. When it comes to simply satisfying desire through sexual union, this is even more so.
Since the guests who came into Lot’s house were actually angels, they were excellent in appearance and would have been coveted by homosexuals. Sodom men threatened guests with rape.
At that time, Lot offered to give his daughters to them to avoid hurting the guests. Lot suggested that the people of Sodom switch to heterosexuality instead of tasting sexual pleasure with homosexuality.
To protect guests, Lot is willing to give up his daughters. From the daughter’s point of view, Lot can be resentful.
Maybe Lot tried to appease his daughters for a while by using a honey trap instead of presenting them as sexual objects to the Sodom people.
However, the people of Sodom who craved Lot’s guests refused to accept Lot’s offer and tried to break into the house. At that time, angels disguised as guests blinded the Sodom people and prevented them from finding the door.
And the next morning, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by sulfur fire. Jehovah judged all sins, including sexual depravity.

Homosexuality from ancient times to modern times
Since then, Sodom, along with Gomorrah, has become a symbol of sin’s city. In particular, it became a city of gay men. So male homosexuality was called sodomy, male homosexuals were called sodomites.
However, women’s homosexuality is not mentioned in the Old Testament, including 〈Levites〉. The original law was given to Israeli men, so it can be said that there are only regulations on male homosexuality. However, there is a perception that women’s homosexuality is rare.
Even in modern times, until the Kinsey report was released, homosexuality among women was stereotyped.
However, there was someone who seriously mentioned women’s homosexuality 2,000 years before Kinsey, and it was the apostle Paul. He writes to the Rome congregation and mentions homosexuality with Roman depravity in mind.
In the same way, men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts against other men, and received the due penalty for their error.
Sodomite & Sodomy
The word Sodomite has two main meanings. One who practices sodomy; a sodomist. The other is (derogatory) A female or male homosexual.
Sodomite originally literally means Sodom people. But why did the word Sodom people turn into a word that means gay men?
That’s because there is evidence in the Bible that the Sodom people enjoyed homosexuality just before Sodom and Gomorrah collapsed.
When Abraham left his hometown, he took his nephew Lotte with him. As Abraham and Lot became rich, family fights broke out as they do these days. For the sake of family harmony, Abraham gave Lot the choice of land first so he could leave him. Lot chose Sodom and went there to live.
What Sodom’s sin was like is not specified in the Bible. However, it can only be inferred from one event.
To Abraham, three angels who appeared as a man inform him that the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah is imminent, and two of them enter Sodom at the end of the day.
Lot is treating them as guests, and Sodom people surround Lot’s house and protest to let them out.
They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”
The meaning of the Hebrew word for ‘have sex with’’ originally means to realize, but it is often used to mean sexual union.
Sexual union may be the result of a pursuit to recognize the other person to the end
However, sexual union does not mean you get to know the other person better. This is all the more so when it is simply a sexual union to satisfy desire.
Since the guests who came into Lot’s house were actually angels, they were excellent in appearance and would have been coveted by homosexuals. Sodom men threatened the guests with rape.
At that time, Lot offered to give his daughters to them in order not to hurt the guests. Lot suggested that Sodom people switch to heterosexuality instead of trying to taste sexual pleasure with homosexuality.
How should I understand Lot who is willing to give up his daughters to protect customers. From the daughter’s point of view, father Lot can be resentful.
Maybe Lotte tried to appease his daughters for a while by using a kind of honey trap instead of presenting them as sexual objects to the Sodom people.
However, the Sodom people who craved Lot’s guests refused to accept Lot’s offer and tried to break into the house. At that time, angels disguised as guests blinded the Sodom people and prevented them from finding the door.
And the next morning, Sodom and Gomo were destroyed by sulfur fire. It was Jehovah’s judgment on all kinds of sins, including sexual depravity.

Homosexuality from ancient times to modern times
Since then, Sodom, along with Gomorrah, has become a symbol of the city of sin. In particular, it became a city of gay men. So male homosexuality was called sodomy, male homosexuals came to be called sodomite.
However, there is no mention of women’s homosexuality in the Old Testament, including 〈Levites〉. The original law was given to Israeli men, so it can be said that there are only regulations on male homosexuality, but there is a perception that women’s homosexuality is rare.
Even in modern times, until the Kinsey report was released, there were stereotypes that homosexuality among women rarely existed.
However, there was someone who seriously mentioned women’s homosexuality 2,000 years before Kinsey, and it was the apostle Paul. He writes to the congregation in Rome and mentions homosexuality with Roman depravity in mind.
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Two thoughts about homosexuality
As such, there are moves in the Bible to approach homosexuality from a new perspective these days, which is strictly forbidden.
Rather than unconditionally convicting, let’s find the root cause and discuss treatment if we need treatment. There are two main approaches.
One is a biochemical or biological approach, and the other is a psychoanalytic approach.
There is also constant controversy over whether homosexuality is subject to treatment. In countries like the Netherlands, a law was passed to recognize homosexual couples as formal couples.
Scholars like A.P.Bell have also called for the moratorium to be declared on homosexual research. In other words, let’s not jump to conclusions about homosexuality yet, but let’s go and talk about it after wider exploration and research on the nature of homosexual experiences.
Studies on homosexuality require special attention because the researcher’s own attitude risks distorting the nature of the study.
Paul also condemned homosexuals unconditionally Rather, he would have said so in the hope that he would put on God’s love because he felt sorry for those who were receiving the due penalty for their error’ on their own.
Controversy over homosexuality
As such, the Bible approaches homosexuality from another perspective these days, which is strictly forbidden.
Rather than unconditionally convicting, let’s find the root cause and discuss treatment if we need treatment. There are two main approaches.
One is a biochemical or biological approach, and the other is a psychoanalytic approach.
There is also constant controversy over whether homosexuality is treated. In countries like the Netherlands, a law recognized homosexual couples as formal couples.
Scholars like A.P.Bell have also called for a moratorium on homosexual research. In other words, let’s not jump to conclusions about homosexuality yet. Instead, let’s go and talk about it after wider exploration and research into the nature of homosexual experiences.
Studies on homosexuality require special attention because the researcher’s own attitude risks distorting the study’s nature.
Paul also condemned homosexuals unconditionally. Rather, he would have said so in the hope of wearing God’s love. This is because he felt sorry for those who received a penalty due to their error on their own.