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The Bible approves of divorce

Hello. This is O Favored One.

We learned that God did not make divorce a system but regulated it in the past. In this article, let’s find out what Jesus said about the Christian’s divorce and remarriage in the Bible.

All divorces result from sin, and divorce brings sin. Many things are destroyed by divorce. Divorce is not only your problem. The church is one body. When one part of the body hurts, the whole body aches, and it’s hard.

Same here. The sin and pain brought about by your divorce affect you and your family, and your church community. Every divorce is caused by sin. But not every divorce is a sin.

The Bible legalized divorce if the believer failed, even though he tried everything to maintain his marriage to a spouse he didn’t believe in.

In Matthew, Jesus clarifies one reason believers can divorce their spouses. First, in Matthew 5:31 and 32, Jesus says as follows.

“It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Matthew 5:31 - 32ThemeNectar
In Matthew 19:8 and verse 9, they say the following.

Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

Jesus acknowledged only one reason for divorce among those they believe, which is the spouse's adultery, but it doesn't necessarily require a divorce in this case.

Matthew 19:8 and verse 9

Jesus taught divorce

The Gospel of Matthew was recorded for the Jews, and the reason why his disciples asked Jesus if he could divorce was because of Hillel, the Elder, and they insisted that they could divorce for any reason.

The theologian Jay E. Adams says Apostle Mathew wrote an account of divorce because he wanted to restrict divorce among the Jewish conversions. Matthew knew that the only exception Christ said would enhance morality within the church.

In Matthew 19, Jesus says that if a man married another woman without divorcing his abusive wife, he committed adultery. That is the whole point of cheating.

Furthermore, Chapter 5 warns that she and her second husband commit adultery unless a divorced wife is divorced for adultery. This is the point about cheating.

Some people think of fornication and adultery as having the same meaning. But the use of these words in the New Testament and the Old Testament shows a clear distinction between the two words: Fornication means all kinds of sexual sins.

On the other hand, adultery means an unfaithful act against a spouse. People think that the Bible has the same meaning of fornication and adultery because Christians confuse concepts; Christians feel the confusion of purpose because they mistake them for examples of words used in reality when they understand the idea of the Bible.

In American law, the word fornication was used to mean a sexual sin of unmarried people compared to adultery, which means sexual immorality associated with a married person.

But the apostles who wrote the Bible used the word fornication to describe common sexual sins: incest, homosexuality, and adultery are also fornication.

Interestingly, the word Adultery always refers to more than sexual sins, says Jay E. Adams. “Adultery” in the Bible means to drag a third party into a marital relationship and destroy the covenant of partnership.

You shouldn’t think of Adultery and fornication as the same thing; what Jesus emphasized in Matthew was not the result of sexual sin but sin itself.

He focused on the fornication act of breaking divorce because he wanted to include all possibilities, says Jay E. Adams.

Because Fornication includes adultery and incest, and homosexuality, just talking about cheating is too narrow a focus. In the case that the divorce process is not allowed. God distinguishes adultery from prostitution.

In Jeremiah 3, God describes Israel as a woman married to God. God says she is divorced because of Israel’s adultery, clearly showing that married people can be legally divorced.

However, the Bible does not necessarily divorce if a spouse commits adultery but only allows divorce. If a guilty spouse commits repentance, the husband or wife can forgive.

If the guilty spouse repents and asks for forgiveness, the other spouse must forgive. Let’s listen to Luke 17:3.

If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them, and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.

Luke 17:

God forgives even murderers

Forgiveness is about never mentioning the problem again. This is why a believer cannot continue to divorce after forgiveness. Forgiveness leads to a new relationship with a forgiven person.

So a divorce with a cheating spouse should be limited to those who refuse to repent, says theologian Jay E. Adams.

Let me tell you my story. There was one thing I was worried about when I married my wife. I was worried that I might prevent reconciliation between my wife and ex-husband.

Still, two things removed my concern: he was an unbeliever, already living with another woman. Once again, after marrying my wife, I contacted the woman I used to like.

Of course, I didn’t have sex with her. I only talked on the phone, but the Bible says it was a sin, even if I didn’t necessarily act.

In conclusion

Today, I learned the difference between prostitution and adultery that the Bible says. I learned how these two biblical concepts work for a married couple’s marriage, divorce, and remarriage. The most important thing is that a spouse must not get divorced because he committed adultery.

A divorce can only be made if the spouse does not repent and seek forgiveness even though he has committed a crime. You must have known that biblical marriage and post-divorce life are possible only when you correctly understand the biblical concepts and principles.

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